
By ActiveRecovery

A unique and nurturing approach designed to bring you back to joyful movement

noun: vitality

1 the state of being strong and active; energy.

2 the power giving continuance of life, present in all living things

3 exuberant physical strength

4 capacity for survival

5 power to live or grow

The benefits of movement are well documented. We have all been told to exercise for physical and mental health, for a healthy heart, for a happy mind. We are told that all we need to do is to challenge ourselves. Step out of our comfort zone. Try a little bit harder. Push a little further. Dig deep and work through the discomfort.

But if it was that easy we would all be gym-goers and runners.

What is often forgotten are the barriers and obstacles to exercise, and a practical awareness that life for many of us can be hard. Really hard. And sometimes it hurts; injury, loss, unwanted change… these are experiences we all have that can take the bounce from our step.

And of course our resources are finite.

Maybe we’re juggling parenthood and a career, studying, or upskilling for a promotion. When life is already full the last thing we may need or want is to take on a 5k challenge, even if we know it will be good for us.

If we’ve experienced a change or loss in our life and our heart is hurting, we may shy away from physical activity that we fear may cause us further discomfort.

If our self-esteem is low and we avoid even social events with friends and family, then walking into a gym will feel impossible.

Or if our bodies have changed, through injury, pregnancy, aging or just through coping with life, it can be a challenge simply to see ourselves as ever again being capable of sports and activities we once enjoyed.

These are the barriers that are often overlooked, left out of the conversation.

But we believe that a graduated approach and plenty of support can make pain-free movement accessible to all. More than that, we believe joyful movement can be accessible to all. We know you will be able to do more than you ever imagined. And we know you’ll love it.

Vitality by ActiveRecovery is a three-phase, gentle and nurturing programme that is backed by science and empathetic to the reality of our day-to-day lives. Delivered on a 1:1 basis for just a handful of clients each month, you receive the care and attention you deserve.

We combine an awareness of neuroscience-for-mental-health, with the biochemical benefits of massage and movement training to help you Recover, Nourish, and Elevate your life.

Each phase of the programme includes:

  • Personalised movement training programme

  • Free access to group classes at The Studio

  • Advice on optimising nutrition and recovery

  • Recovery Massage

Recovery Phase - for those returning to movement, this phase focuses on managing stress or injury, learning movement patterns, loosening tight muscles and gently introducing new habits and routines

Recommended 4 weeks

Nourish Phase - we build on the habits and neurological patterns learned, and gradually introduce cardiovascular exercise, strength work and flexibility, supported with regular massage

Recommended 6 weeks

Elevate Phase - realising what your body is capable of, we set a movement goal and introduce strength and conditioning training. At the end of the cycle, you will have built movement into your life and feel empowered to take on your own movement journey

Recommended 4-12 weeks

Discover below the elements that combine to create Vitality:

  • Massage

    This supportive, hands-on therapy utilises the power of touch and a range of proven massage techniques to downregulate the parasympathetic nervous system, encouraging the release of endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin to reduce pain and discomfort and promote a sense of wellbeing.

    Together with the ability to listen and support, massage is a fundamental component of the Vitality programme - the body and the mind are relaxed and prepared for movement.

  • Flexibility and Mobility

    Combining elements of yoga, pilates, dynamic stretching and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), low-intensity flexibility training is a core component of the Vitality programme. Flexibility and Mobility requires focus on the mind-body-breath connection, and is a fantastic tool for grounding, engaging the parasympathetic nervous system and managing stress and anxiety. Physiologically, mobility training has similar benefits to other forms of exercise including regulation of blood sugar levels, whilst being gentle and feeling restorative. Research concludes that flexibility training supports healthy posture and balance, reduces the chance of muscle imbalance and can improve back pain. As we age, good flexibility and mobility improve our ability to perform daily tasks, reduce the risk of falling and helps grow feelings of confidence and rejuvenation.

  • Functional Movement

    Hinge, Squat, Lunge, Push, Pull, Carry. These sound like intimidating workouts…

    But if I were to say:

    Climbing stairs, getting up off the floor, carrying shopping and children, putting something on a shelf, getting in and out of a chair…. Yep… you’re spot on. These are in fact exercises you already do every day.

    Functional fitness is the ability to perform the six fundamental movement patterns safely, with ease and confidence. Training can involve bodyweight or can be intensified a little through the use of resistance bands and weighted loads. Actively training for functional fitness makes completing our normal daily tasks easier. It is simple, safe and effective, and will leave you feeling strong, yet with a lightness in your stride.

    It is no surprise that movement pattern training is a fundamental part of the Vitality programme.

  • Joyful Movement

    As you progress through the programme, we will begin to introduce the concept of joyful movement. Working together, we will identify activities that make you feel alive, strong and powerful. We take this step slowly and with care, kindness and compassion for our bodies as they begin to learn and adapt to new movement. This is where we may differ from other programmes… You will not train to pain. It is completely possible to build cardiovascular fitness without being pushed and taken to your limits. Our aim is always to leave you finishing a session with a smile on your face, feeling as though you have more left in the tank. That’s where the joy lies.

  • Strength Training

    Study after study highlight the benefits of strength training for physical, emotional and mental health.

    From increasing self-esteem and confidence to mood-regulation, anxiety management and cognitive function, the impact of strength work on your quality of life is enormous, and you may see results faster than you imagine.

    Physically, strength training optimises your metabolism and can make positive changes to body composition, in turn improving current and future health.

    It is also crucial for bone strength, development and density, which all decline naturally as we age, therefore reducing the risk of osteoporosis, fractures and falls.

    We are incredibly passionate about strength training, and we share this with you as part of the Vitality program.

  • Nutrition To Support Movement

    We’re big foodies. Good food will fuel you, help your body to heal, grow and repair and boost your mood. Vitality includes nutritional advice on modifications or introductions that will support you to recover, nourish or elevate your body from the inside. Weight-loss may well be a side-effect of dietary adaptations, but it is never our goal. In fact, that’s the last time we’ll ever mention the ‘w word’ on this site.