Sports Massage
Sports Massage - A technical massage treatment that locates and treats targeted areas of tension, while encouraging relaxation of the body system as a whole, removal of waste and circulation of nutrients. Clinically proven to reduce the prevalence and severity of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), a full Sports Massage is a vital part of your recovery.
50 minutes €65 -
Therapeutic Deep Tissue Massage
Therapeutic Deep Tissue Massage - Extremely beneficial to many types of clients; nourishing your mental and emotional health by improving sleep, relaxation, alleviating stiffness, symptoms of depression, and improving feelings of overall well-being.
50 minutes €65
Post-Workout Rapid-Reboot
Leg day? Back day? The perfect post-workout addition, a 30-minute massage specifically targets the muscles you’ve worked, promoting healing and speeding your recovery. Goodbye foam roller, we won’t miss you at all!
30 minutes €35